The Code

            //get numbers for the loan out of inputs
            const getValues = () => {
              //get each of the values from the inputs on the page
              let loanAmount = document.getElementById('loan-amount').value;
              let loanLength = document.getElementById('term').value;
              let loanInterest = document.getElementById('interest-rate').value;
              loanAmount = parseFloat(loanAmount);
              loanLength = parseInt(loanLength);
              loanInterest = parseFloat(loanInterest);
              //make sure those values make sense
              if (isNaN(loanAmount) || isNaN(loanLength) || isNaN(loanInterest)
                || loanAmount <= 0 || loanLength <= 0 || loanInterest <= 0) {
                  icon: 'error',
                  title: 'Woops!',
                  text: 'Please enter valid loan details.'
              } else {
                let loanTotals = caluclateTotals(loanAmount, loanLength, loanInterest);
                displayTotals(loanTotals.monthlyPayment, loanAmount, loanTotals.totalInterest, loanTotals.totalCost);
                let payments = calculatePayments(loanLength, loanTotals.monthlyPayment, loanAmount, loanInterest);
            //calculate the totals for the loan
            const caluclateTotals = (principal, term, rate) => {
              //calculate the monthly
              let monthlyPayment = (principal * (rate / 1200)) / (1 - Math.pow((1 + rate / 1200), -term));
              //calulcate the total cost
              let totalCost = monthlyPayment * term;
              //calculate the total interest
              let totalInterest = totalCost - principal;
              let loanTotals = {
                monthlyPayment: monthlyPayment,
                totalCost: totalCost,
                totalInterest: totalInterest
              return loanTotals;
            //display the totals for the loan
            const displayTotals = (monthlyPayment, principal, interest, cost) => {
              let formatOptions = {
                style: 'currency',
                currency: 'USD'
              document.getElementById("amount").innerHTML = monthlyPayment.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);
              document.getElementById("total-principal-amount").innerHTML = principal.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);;
              document.getElementById("total-interest-amount").innerHTML = interest.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);;
              document.getElementById("total-cost-amount").innerHTML = cost.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);;
            //calculate each month of payments in the table
            const calculatePayments = (term, monthlyPayment, principal, rate) => {
              // create a for loop to calculate every month of payments
              let remainingBalance = principal;
              let totalInterest = 0;
              let paymentsArray = [];
              for (let month = 1; month <= term; month++) {
                let interestPayment = remainingBalance * (rate / 1200);
                let principalPayment = monthlyPayment - interestPayment;
                totalInterest += interestPayment;
                remainingBalance -= principalPayment;
                // -- create an object to store those values
                let loanPayment = {
                  month: month,
                  payment: monthlyPayment,
                  principal: principalPayment,
                  interest: interestPayment,
                  totalInterest: totalInterest,
                  balance: remainingBalance
                // -- put that object in an array
              // return the array
              return paymentsArray;
            //display each month of payments in the table
            const displayPayments = (payments) => {
              const tableRowTemplate = document.getElementById('payment-row');
              const paymentsTable = document.getElementById('mortgage-table');
              paymentsTable.innerHTML = '';
              let formatOptions = {
                style: 'currency',
                currency: 'USD'
              for (let i = 0; i < payments.length; i++) {
                let currentMonthPayment = payments[i];
                let tableRow = tableRowTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
                let tableCell = tableRow.querySelectorAll('td'); //will return a array of td's
                tableCell[0].textContent = currentMonthPayment.month;
                tableCell[1].textContent = currentMonthPayment.payment.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);
                tableCell[2].textContent = currentMonthPayment.principal.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);
                tableCell[3].textContent = currentMonthPayment.interest.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);
                tableCell[4].textContent = currentMonthPayment.totalInterest.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);
                tableCell[5].textContent = currentMonthPayment.balance.toLocaleString('en-US', formatOptions);
                if (i == payments.length - 1) {

The code is structured in four functions


getValues() is used to gather the input from the user and this data is validated before being passed to the loanTotals() function.

caluclateTotals(principal, term, rate)

caluclateTotals(principal, term, rate) is used to calculate the monthlyPayment, totalCost, and totalInterest. After these values are caluculated, they are stored in object called loanTotals and this object is returned to the getValues() function to be used by displayTotals()

displayTotals(loanTotals.monthlyPayment, loanAmount, loanTotals.totalInterest, loanTotals.totalCost)

displayTotals(loanTotals.monthlyPayment, loanAmount, loanTotals.totalInterest, loanTotals.totalCost) is used to display the total the total monthly payment for the loan alogn with the total principal, total interest, and total cost.

calculatePayments(loanLength, loanTotals.monthlyPayment, loanAmount, loanInterest);

calculatePayments(loanLength, loanTotals.monthlyPayment, loanAmount, loanInterest); is used to calculate the payments for each month. A for loop is used to loop through the entire loan term. Inside of this loop the monthly payment, principal, interest, total intertest, and balance are calculated and then stored in a object called loanPayment. The month number is also stored inside of this object and the object is then stored in a array called paymentsArray. This array is retured to getValues() where it be used by displayTotals()

displayPayments(payments) is used to display the payments for each month inside of a table. The table row template used to how the table row data is fetched, along with the payment table that will use this table row template. The payment table is cleared, then a a for loop is used to loop through the the payment data stored inside of the object loanPayment. Each invidual object inside of loanPayment represents a month of the term so each month will be eventually be stored in the variable currwentMonthPayment. The content inside table row template is cloned and them modified. The tableCell varible is created to hold the array of data by using querySelectorAll('td'). After that, indexes 0-1 are modified by the using the selective fields on the loanPayment object which are month, payment, principal, interest, total interest, and balance. An if statement is used at the end of the for loop to change the last row of the table to have a background color green. After the for loop is done, the tbale row is appended to the paymentsTable where all the payment data for each month of the loan will be display.